Physical and psychological complexity is found in the environment and tasks. Authentic issues, resources, tools, expectations etc., are evident in the classroom, not just textbooks and tests. They should be representative of a variety of cultures, professions and disciplines. “Microenvironments for learning[93] that simulate features and conditions of a professional workplace or research setting related to the content is a way to make the classroom more similar to the real world, and thus more complex.
Internet access for student research is a starting point in any subject. One example of a microenvironment is a Botany station in the classroom. The classroom can become home to a collection of live specimens (fish, birds, hamsters, snakes, and more). Observation and record-keeping materials can be available (for example, magnifying glasses, gloves, binoculars, clipboards, record sheets). It should be stocked with print information, including books and magazines like the National Science Journal, National Geographic, and Nature.